What About Quality? Malin weighs in.

When talking Sustainability, why aren't we talking more about Quality and the role it plays in sustainable practices? 

I am flabbergasted by the fact that people, that seem to be engaged in impact, often seem to show little interest in one of the more significant aspects of sustainability, namely quality. Let’s face it; there is nothing worse for Sustainability than poor Quality. Things we need to scrap because they break, because they do not fulfill requirements and are off spec, or the energy wasted in redoing or fixing things in the aftermath of poor engagement and lack of attention.

Along the same lines; cost of poor quality seldom shows up on the supplier score card – and even less so in an ESG Report or Sustainability Review.

A Research Project on Resilient Supply Chains, that we at Kodiak Hub are conducting together with 
Stockholm School of Economics implies that an important pre-requisite for any progress within Environment & Sustainability, is the way a company works systematically with Quality Management. Maybe it’s time to revive the old TQM concept of Plan Do Check Act, as an important mean to drive Change and true Stakeholder Value? Because, making a difference is not about producing another Report on ESG. It is about making an impact. And why not leverage something we know works in industries across manufacturing to tech - Quality Management methods and resources. 

- Malin Schmidt, Founder & CEO of Kodiak Hub

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