Global trade is risky businesses. And in this decade of unending disruptions, it’s never been riskier. Since we began the 2020s with the COVID-19 crisis, ...
Supplier Engagement
Digital Procurement
A New Era of Risk, Resilience, & Supplier Relationships
Digital Procurement
From Finding to Signing: Introducing sign(UP) & sign(ON)
They say time is the most valuable commodity in the world. So it’s a tragic irony that Procurement and Sourcing still waste so much of it, with teams typically ...
Supplier Management
Why is Supplier Collaboration Important & Which Tools Should You Use?
“How can I gain a competitive edge in a congested market? How do I take my supplier relationships to the next level? And what digital tools should I be using to ...
Supplier Engagement
5 Ways To Spark Supplier Engagement: Making Vendors Into Partners
Some buyers and suppliers have relationships where one party, or both parties, genuinely believe that the other party doesn’t care about their business ...
Supplier Management
4 Must Knows To Increase Supplier Collaboration And Innovation
Previous CIO of General Motors (GM), Tony Scott, was once quoted saying, “GM is a highly collaborative organization; we rely on a whole tier of suppliers for ...